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Showing posts with label Chief Cornerstone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chief Cornerstone. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Chief Cornerstone

Good morning in the Redeemer's name, Jesus our Lord and Savior!

Trust that you are delighting yourselves in Him who called us from darkness into His glorious light. That you are trusting and abiding in His love.

It is He who upholds us by His power; without Him, we can do nothing. He was rejected by men, but He for whom are all things and by whom are all things, is the Captain of our salvation, the Builder of His church. There is no other name whereby mankind can be saved.

"The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone."
-Psalm 118:22

In His Love,

A Walk In The Garden 
Hope & Encouragement for Life's Journey

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"The invisible hand, that painted the beautiful gardens on earth, had no paint brushes, easel or canvas. God spoke." -A Walk In The Garden Greetings
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