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Showing posts with label Balak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Balak. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Blessings That Cannot Be Reversed

In the scriptures, Balak, king of Moab sent for Balaam, son of Beor to pronounce a curse upon Israel (who had camped in the plains of Moab) because he saw all that Israel had done to the Amorites, and Moab became exceedingly afraid of the children of Israel because they were many.

So Balak sent messengers to Balaam to come at once and curse the people. However, when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did not go as at other times, to seek to use sorcery. As he set his face toward the wilderness and saw Israel encamped according to their tribes, the Spirit of God came upon Balaam and he bountifully blessed the children of Israel.


Ye blessed of the LORD, rejoice! If God be for you, who can be against you? What He has blessed, no man can curse. Praise His Holy name!

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"The invisible hand, that painted the beautiful gardens on earth, had no paint brushes, easel or canvas. God spoke." -A Walk In The Garden Greetings
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