Thank You Lord for Your
love, and the joy of Your salvation.
In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
Lord God in heaven, You are God alone.
You have created all things for your purpose.
You have made man in Your image and in Your likeness.
From the beginning, You have desired
to dwell in us and among us, and we in You.
Thank You for the forgiveness of sins
and the gift of eternal life,
through the redeeming blood of
Your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.
You have created all things for your purpose.
You have made man in Your image and in Your likeness.
From the beginning, You have desired
to dwell in us and among us, and we in You.
Thank You for the forgiveness of sins
and the gift of eternal life,
through the redeeming blood of
Your Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.
Thank You heavenly Father, that You hear us when we pray.
Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy.
You have redeemed us by the blood of Your Son,
Thank You for Your grace and Your mercy.
You have redeemed us by the blood of Your Son,
Jesus Christ, and have bid us come boldly to Your
throne of grace. Open the eyes of our understanding
and grant us Your wisdom and might. Fill us with
the knowledge of Your will. In Your
and grant us Your wisdom and might. Fill us with
the knowledge of Your will. In Your
holy name, we pray.
Lord God Almighty,
Let Your ways be known upon the earth;
Let Your ways be known upon the earth;
Your thoughts to all generations.
In Your righteous name, we pray.
Send forth laborers into Your harvest,
Lord God. Send them Into the highways,
and the byways, to proclaim
the good news of Your
salvation. Draw men by Your
Spirit. May Your house be
full. Amen and Amen.
You are Lord God and we bless Your excellent name, this day
and every day! Great are You Lord and worthy of our praise.
We stand in awe of Your glory and the power of Your works.
Your covenant is firm and we can trust You completely.
Bless Your holy name. Enlighten our hearts that we may
know You better. Shine forth Your light and Your truth.
Let Your ways be known upon the earth.
and every day! Great are You Lord and worthy of our praise.
We stand in awe of Your glory and the power of Your works.
Your covenant is firm and we can trust You completely.
Bless Your holy name. Enlighten our hearts that we may
know You better. Shine forth Your light and Your truth.
Let Your ways be known upon the earth.
Bless Your name, my God and King!
Indeed, how great You are. Lift me up
to behold Your beauty. Fill me with
Your peace and joy overflowing.
In Your holy name, I pray.
How great are Your thoughts towards me, Lord God!
They are more than the sand at the seashore.
You made me, and You know me.
From the womb, you have carried me.
You are most dear to my heart;
Your comforts delight my soul.
I long for you more and more,
in this dry and thirsty land.
Keep me in your will.
Let me be pleasing in
You made me, and You know me.
From the womb, you have carried me.
You are most dear to my heart;
Your comforts delight my soul.
I long for you more and more,
in this dry and thirsty land.
Keep me in your will.
Let me be pleasing in
your sight, I pray. Amen.
Lord Jesus, give me a heart like Yours.
You are gentle, You are kind.
You are full of compassion,
You are loving and forgiving.
Mold me; shine in me that I may
reflect You to the world.
In Your holy name, I pray.
You are gentle, You are kind.
You are full of compassion,
You are loving and forgiving.
Mold me; shine in me that I may
reflect You to the world.
In Your holy name, I pray.

Teach me Your way, O Lord;
I will walk in Your truth;
I will walk in Your truth;
Unite my heart to fear Your name.
I will praise You, O Lord my God,
with all my heart, and I will glorify
Your name forevermore.
Psalm 86:11 & 12

O Lord, heal and restore! There is so much pain in the world,
so much darkness. Shine forth Your light and Your truth.
Draw men by Your Spirit—from the east and the west, the north
and the south. Send forth laborers to reap Your harvest,
in Your holy name, I pray.
so much darkness. Shine forth Your light and Your truth.
Draw men by Your Spirit—from the east and the west, the north
and the south. Send forth laborers to reap Your harvest,
in Your holy name, I pray.

Heavenly Father, as we go about our everyday lives,
encountering danger and strife and conflicts,
grant us Your peace and wisdom.
Guard our hearts and minds and deliver us
from our fears and afflictions.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
encountering danger and strife and conflicts,
grant us Your peace and wisdom.
Guard our hearts and minds and deliver us
from our fears and afflictions.
In Jesus' name, we pray.

Heavenly Father, I yearn for Your courts. For in Your presence,
there is fullness of joy and at your right hand,
pleasures forevermore. However beautiful the things on
earth may be, they fade with use and the passage of time.
You are from everlasting to everlasting. Your word is forever.
Let Your light shine in and through
my life, so that others may come and see
the glory of Your Son, and know Him
who has redeemed us to God.
Lord God, You are gracious and merciful, longsuffering and kind.
As You brought me to the fold, bring others,
Savior, I pray. Amen.
By Your grace, we stand. Keep us
on the straight and narrow way.
Fill us with Your power and might,
Your strength incomparable.
Uphold us by Your generous Spirit.
Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I will cry to You.
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
From the ends of the earth I will cry to You.
When my heart is overwhelmed;
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Psalm 61:1 & 2
Lord God in heaven,
You are our hope and our strength!
Our lives and times are in Your hands;
the sum of our years in Your book. We
long for You in a dry and thirsty land. Let Your
comforts delight our souls, even as we
wait upon You. Thank You for Your
mercy and grace, that preserve and
sustain us on the journey of life. We
give You all the praise!
We worship none but You!
Our lives and times are in Your hands;
the sum of our years in Your book. We
long for You in a dry and thirsty land. Let Your
comforts delight our souls, even as we
wait upon You. Thank You for Your
mercy and grace, that preserve and
sustain us on the journey of life. We
give You all the praise!
We worship none but You!
Thank you Lord for You have made us
and You care for us.
We praise You and we bless You.
We are the work of Your hands. You are leading us
as the shepherd leads forth his sheep.
You are watching over us, for we are precious
in Your sight. May our hearts be quick to obey
Your voice and to follow You.
No one cares for our souls like You do.
A special prayer for Your
other sheep who are yet to make it into the fold.
Help us this day to do our part,
in leading them home.
and You care for us.
We praise You and we bless You.
We are the work of Your hands. You are leading us
as the shepherd leads forth his sheep.
You are watching over us, for we are precious
in Your sight. May our hearts be quick to obey
Your voice and to follow You.
No one cares for our souls like You do.
A special prayer for Your
other sheep who are yet to make it into the fold.
Help us this day to do our part,
in leading them home.
Lord God, I bless your name forever and ever.
You are righteous and full of mercy.
From generation to generation,
You have shown us who You are. May the hearts
of your children wax strong this day,
as they put their hope and trust in You.
May we serve You with gladness,
and obey Your holy commandments.
You are righteous and full of mercy.
From generation to generation,
You have shown us who You are. May the hearts
of your children wax strong this day,
as they put their hope and trust in You.
May we serve You with gladness,
and obey Your holy commandments.
Lord, You are great and we declare Your praise
in all the earth! You have created all things
and for Your pleasure they are created.
Enlighten our hearts that we may know You better.
As we sojourn this life on earth,
fill us with the knowledge of your will.
Give us an unction of Your Holy Spirit to
testify of You with boldness.
Humble the nations, so that they may know
that it is You who have their breath
in Your hands. Be glorified in them.
in all the earth! You have created all things
and for Your pleasure they are created.
Enlighten our hearts that we may know You better.
As we sojourn this life on earth,
fill us with the knowledge of your will.
Give us an unction of Your Holy Spirit to
testify of You with boldness.
Humble the nations, so that they may know
that it is You who have their breath
in Your hands. Be glorified in them.
Lord God, our everlasting strength and peace,
To You alone belong glory, honor and praise!
You are the righteous Judge of all the earth.
You are exalted above the nations, for You made
all their inhabitants. Praise Your glorious name!
Your name is great and is the confidence
of Your people. Your name is above every name.
Let the nations be humbled before You.
In Your holy name, we pray.
To You alone belong glory, honor and praise!
You are the righteous Judge of all the earth.
You are exalted above the nations, for You made
all their inhabitants. Praise Your glorious name!
Your name is great and is the confidence
of Your people. Your name is above every name.
Let the nations be humbled before You.
In Your holy name, we pray.
Lord God in heaven, You are righteous
and just in all Your ways. You shine forth in perfection!
Incline our hearts to love You more and more.
Let no sin or iniquity have dominion over us.
May our ways be pleasing to you in all
we think, do and say. We are blessed to be
called the redeemed of the Lord.
Lord, we thank You for saving us.
Shine through us to the world.
Help us Lord God to not just be a hearer of Your word,
but a doer. Strengthen our hearts and minds, and make
us quick to discern the good from the bad. Let not the enemy
of our souls outwit Your children. Keep us from his
snares and devices, and receive glory from our lives.
Thank You Lord God for making it possible
to boldly approach Your throne of grace.
Thank You for access into a new and living way,
through the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.
Teach us what we need to know;
Put wisdom in our minds, and give
understanding to our hearts.
Chasten us in order to keep us on the
straight and narrow way.
You are a wonderful Father, a faithful friend.
Lead and guide us into all truth.
In Your holy name, we pray.
Thank you Lord for being a tower
of refuge and strength.
You have made glad the hearts of Your children.
Even in the midst of their troubles,
they are still praising You;
they are still declaring Your goodness.
You are mighty and a great deliverer.
We give You praise!
of refuge and strength.
You have made glad the hearts of Your children.
Even in the midst of their troubles,
they are still praising You;
they are still declaring Your goodness.
You are mighty and a great deliverer.
We give You praise!
Thank You God for every trial, for every test.
In and through them, we learn to trust and obey.
Thank You for Your gracious hand upon our lives.
You do not give us more than we can bear.
Thank You for the victory that has overcome
the world—our faith in the Son of God.
Thank You for Your Holy Spirit,
who leads and guides us into all truth.
Thank You for Your peace
that passeth all understanding.
You give grace and more grace.
Thank You for Your loving care.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the victory
which is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Holy Spirit, our Helper, strengthen
us in the inner man and cause the joy
of the Lord to overflow in our lives.
Lead and guide us Lord by Your Spirit into all truth.
Make straight the crooked ways, and lead us in
the paths of Your righteousness.
Keep us from the evil one; let no sin have dominion over us.
You have delivered us from the powers of darkness,
and brought us into Your glorious light.
In Your light, we see light.
Thank You, Lord! Amen.
Lord Jesus, You who raise the dead, and gives
sight to the blind,
we glorify and praise Your holy name.
All power is in Your hand.
As we proclaim Your name in the earth,
confirm Your word with signs and wonders.
Let there be a great outpouring of
Your Spirit upon all flesh.
Let Your anointing fall on Your servants;
let the heavens drop the former and the latter rain.
Draw men by Your Spirit, we pray.
Let Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done,
sight to the blind,
we glorify and praise Your holy name.
All power is in Your hand.
As we proclaim Your name in the earth,
confirm Your word with signs and wonders.
Let there be a great outpouring of
Your Spirit upon all flesh.
Let Your anointing fall on Your servants;
let the heavens drop the former and the latter rain.
Draw men by Your Spirit, we pray.
Let Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Dear Jesus, heal the sick in the midst of Your
body, the church. Supply Your healing virtue
and balm. Raise Your children from the throes
of sickness and disease; make them every whit
whole, from the crown of the head to the
soles of the feet. Thank You for Your blood;
thank You for Your mercy.
In Your holy name, we pray.
Lord, we thank You for being the Good Shepherd
who cares for His sheep. We thank You for leading
us in the path that is right. We also thank You
for Your discipline that keeps us close by Your side.
You carry those with young, and restore those
who are bruised and hurting.
Thank You Lord for Your goodness
and Your mercy, all the days of our lives.
who cares for His sheep. We thank You for leading
us in the path that is right. We also thank You
for Your discipline that keeps us close by Your side.
You carry those with young, and restore those
who are bruised and hurting.
Thank You Lord for Your goodness
and Your mercy, all the days of our lives.
O Lord My God, You are the strength and keeper of our souls.
In You we live and move and have our being.
In You we live and move and have our being.
We thank You, for You have saved us,
and have purposed to live and rule in us.
Therefore, greater is He that is in us,
than He that is in the world.
In You we hope all the day long.
Our bones and our flesh cry out for You, the living God.
For all those suffering bodily, we pray your strength.
For those at crossroads in their lives, we pray Your guidance.
For those with tears in their eyes, we pray you dry them.
For those who are afraid, we pray your peace.
Let Your glory and Your power rest on us this day,
even as we humble ourselves in Your presence.
In Your holy name, we pray,
Therefore, greater is He that is in us,
than He that is in the world.
In You we hope all the day long.
Our bones and our flesh cry out for You, the living God.
For all those suffering bodily, we pray your strength.
For those at crossroads in their lives, we pray Your guidance.
For those with tears in their eyes, we pray you dry them.
For those who are afraid, we pray your peace.
Let Your glory and Your power rest on us this day,
even as we humble ourselves in Your presence.
In Your holy name, we pray,
Almighty God, You are great! When You arise,
Your enemies are scattered. You have broken the gates
of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder. Your power
and Your might cannot be fathomed. Give Your people
Your strength. For with You, we can run against a troop;
with You, we can leap over a wall. Bless your holy name,
forever and ever.
Your enemies are scattered. You have broken the gates
of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder. Your power
and Your might cannot be fathomed. Give Your people
Your strength. For with You, we can run against a troop;
with You, we can leap over a wall. Bless your holy name,
forever and ever.
Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort,
according to thy word unto thy servant. Let thy tender mercies
come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight.
Psalm 119:76 & 77
Lord God, You have made us in Your image.
You have clothed us with flesh and
fenced us with bones and sinews.
You made us a living soul. You are Lord and
Master of our lives. We can do nothing without You.
Let Your holy name be praised forever and ever.
You have clothed us with flesh and
fenced us with bones and sinews.
You made us a living soul. You are Lord and
Master of our lives. We can do nothing without You.
Let Your holy name be praised forever and ever.
Speak Lord to the nations, speak Lord to those in authority,
even as we pray for them as Your word exhorts.
Speak to the stubborn, speak to the meek, speak to the humble.
Speak, Lord, speak. Cause all men to come to
the end of themselves, that they may know and believe
on You who hold their hearts in Your hand.
even as we pray for them as Your word exhorts.
Speak to the stubborn, speak to the meek, speak to the humble.
Speak, Lord, speak. Cause all men to come to
the end of themselves, that they may know and believe
on You who hold their hearts in Your hand.
Lord God, Most High, strengthen Your messengers of grace,
and grant us the courage to speak boldly the words You have put in our
hearts and in our mouths. For faith comes by hearing and hearing by
the word of God. Speak Lord God and cause deaf ears to be unstopped,
so that Your lost sheep will hear Your voice
at the door of their hearts, and bid You to come in.
You are no respecter of persons; You are able to save to the uttermost.
You have given us Jesus to be our salvation, demonstrating
how much you love mankind—the works of your hands,
created in Your image and likeness.
You love us so much.
hearts and in our mouths. For faith comes by hearing and hearing by
the word of God. Speak Lord God and cause deaf ears to be unstopped,
so that Your lost sheep will hear Your voice
at the door of their hearts, and bid You to come in.
You are no respecter of persons; You are able to save to the uttermost.
You have given us Jesus to be our salvation, demonstrating
how much you love mankind—the works of your hands,
created in Your image and likeness.
You love us so much.
Give us a praying heart, that forever desires
Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
In Your holy name we pray, Amen.
Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
In Your holy name we pray, Amen.
What joy You give, what peace is ours, trusting in Your holy name.
So often in life, we face circumstances that would sweep us off our feet.
But thanks be to God who fights our battles, who judges righteously.
You make us to stand and to stand firm in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rooted, grounded, immovable, unshakable.
Thank You God for Your grace and Your power.
So often in life, we face circumstances that would sweep us off our feet.
But thanks be to God who fights our battles, who judges righteously.
You make us to stand and to stand firm in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rooted, grounded, immovable, unshakable.
Thank You God for Your grace and Your power.
Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications;
in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.
Psalm 143:1
Evening and morning and at noon I will pray,
and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.
Psalm 55:17
Guide me Lord with the skillfulness of Your hands.
Counsel me with Your wisdom;
Direct my steps, and lead me
in the paths of Your righteousness.
Counsel me with Your wisdom;
Direct my steps, and lead me
in the paths of Your righteousness.
Thank You Lord for being an anchor in the midst of
life's storms. At Your rebuke the winds obey and
there is a great calm. You lead us to our safe haven,
even the shelter of Your wings. Praise Your holy name!
life's storms. At Your rebuke the winds obey and
there is a great calm. You lead us to our safe haven,
even the shelter of Your wings. Praise Your holy name!
Lord God, we thank You for Yours is the kingdom,
and the power and the glory forever and ever.
You have never failed to perform that which You
have promised. May the hearts of Your children wax strong.
May they be encouraged to keep trusting, even in the midst
of the fiery furnace. Let faith arise in our hearts,
and cause us to endure to the end. For what You shut
no man can open, and what You open, no man can shut.
no man can open, and what You open, no man can shut.
Even as those of old brought glory to Your name,
be glorified in us today. Amen.
Thank You Lord God for the godly heritage of those
who served You in their generations,
and have passed from this life.
Thank You for their witness of Your grace and mercy.
Help us who are alive, to do likewise,
and be good stewards and examples of a godly life.
In Your holy name we pray,
who served You in their generations,
and have passed from this life.
Thank You for their witness of Your grace and mercy.
Help us who are alive, to do likewise,
and be good stewards and examples of a godly life.
In Your holy name we pray,
Let my mouth be filled with Your praise
and with Your glory all the day.
Do not cast me off in the time of old age;
do not forsake me when my strength fails.
Psalm 71:8-9
Thank You Lord for giving us the strength
to press on, to fight the good fight of faith,
to run the race that's set before us,
and to finish our course with joy.
Thank You for the victory!
To God be the glory! Thank You for a new
day to delight myself in You. Anoint
my head with fresh oil. Strengthen
my heart, my mind, my soul, my body.
Lead and guide me in Your perfect will.
For Your name sake Lord God,
receive the glory, the honor and the praise
receive the glory, the honor and the praise
from our lives. Sanctify us through and through.
Preserve us blameless at Your coming.
In Your holy name, we pray.
In Your holy name, we pray.
A Journal of Prayers Online
Published by A Walk In The Garden
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